1st Adventure #23 Find a New Winery to Try


The first weekend of the new year equals a perfect time to cross an item off the Adventure List. But, there are too many choices! 52 to be exact 😉 On the way home from my Aunt M’s house yesterday we discussed what should be the first one. It had been raining so hiking is out. Then it hit us. Let’s find a winery! We decided to head out to Raven’s Glenn Winery. There are also several other wineries to try out in that neck of the woods. We called Aunt M to see if she wanted to go with us, and it was a yes!

With the dreams of good food and great wine, we set out towards West Lafayette, Ohio. The rolling hills of eastern Ohio are a great backdrop for our first adventure. We arrived at Raven’s Glenn to find an empty parking lot! Rookie mistake. I failed to check their website to see their hours. We were all disappointed. Thank goodness we had my Aunt M with us and she suggested we go across the street to Unusual Junction. Otherwise, we would have driven back towards Columbus and never stumbled on this gem.


The Price is Right Sign at Unusual Junction

I am so glad we did. It was a cool, funky, retro cafe. They have the original Price is Right sign with Bob Barker’s signature. I grew up watching the Price is Right, so I was really excited to see that. The walls are lined with all kinds of album covers. The tables take you back to the 50’s. Aunt M had the Little Fish Sandwich, the Hubby had the Grilled Cheese, and I had the Junction, which was a Ham and Cheese Panini. After lunch we nosed around the shop there. They were doing some remodeling, so it will be cool to go back and see the finished product.


Unusual Junction

Our next stop on our Adventure was Roscoe Village. The village is a restored town on the Ohio and Erie Canal that shows how life was in the 1830s. We strolled through the town and enjoyed the shops that were open. The pottery store, Liberty Pottery, and the leather shop, River Ridge Leather Company, were two of our favorites. I might have to go back out to do some Christmas shopping next year. I love artisan gifts and Roscoe Village has a ton of choices!


Liberty Pottery at Roscoe Village


Roscoe Village


While at lunch we discussed another lady’s blog (sorry, I can’t remember the name of the lady nor the blog) and how one of her goals was to visit all 88 counties in Ohio. We thought that it would be fun to try that as well. One of the rules was we at least had to take a picture of the court house. The first county to check of that list is Coshocton County. Without further ado, here is the proof we were there 🙂


Coshocton County Courthouse

We decided then to go to Dresden, Ohio. The home of the Longaberger Basket Company. The famous baskets used to have their headquarters in the town, but the family decided to open the Homestead. There are still some shops in the town that sell the sought after baskets. It seems like that move really hurt the town. Then again, it is winter so it was pretty quiet. In one of the shops, we were speaking with the lady who owned it and she told us about a winery on our way back to Columbus. Oh yes, we had gotten side tracked from our purpose to our Adventure! So we pulled out Siri and asked her to get us to Stone Crest Vineyards.


Wine Tasting at Stone Crest Vineyards

Back along a twisty turney country road we found the Stone Crest Vineyards. There were many wines to taste, and they were tasty! The winemaker told us how he grew two types of grapes to turn into wine. It was eight different varieties, but the winters have been bad the past few years. The owner was really great and we had fun talking with him! We really enjoyed tasting the wine. Our favorites were the Blue Stone, a blueberry and grape mix, the Water Fall, a sweet white, and Gem Stone, a rose. They were out of the Red Stone, Peach, and Cherry, all which sounded really good. Another trip will have to be in our future to enjoy those! Also it looks like there are several events that go on in the summer time. I can’t wait to relax with a nice glass of wine from one of the bottles that we purchased from Stone Crest Vineyards!


Wine at Stone Crest Vineyards


Our purchases from Stone Crest Vineyards

While we were disappointed that an old favorite was not open, we still pushed on and discovered some really cool places (plus a new favorite winery)! We have several reasons to return to all of the places mentioned!! Discovery is what the whole Adventure List is all about.


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