German Village w/Schmidt’s – ETB Coupon

We received an Entertainment Book (ETB) for Christmas, and I am vowing to use even more coupons than before. We tend to discover a place and go there over and over again. Since the theme of 2016 is to be more adventurous, the ETB fits right in.

I know that it is not technically 2016 yet, but we used our first coupon on our adventure to the German Village in Columbus, yesterday. Schmidt’s Sausage Haus is a Columbus Establishment. We were craving some yummy German food, so we decided to go to Schmidt’s. It was a little after noon on a Wednesday and they were so crowded! 25 minute wait for a table.  Instead, we decided to eat at the bar, which is something we never do. It was fun! We both ordered the Knockwurst. It came with sauerkraut, applesauce, and German potato salad. The cream puffs and cream pies in the dessert case looked really good. (From past experience, they are really good.) We had our eye on another dessert place, though.

After Schmidt’s we went to the Book Loft. 32 room of books! Our first date was to this literary wonderland. It was fun to go back to where it all started.

After the Book Loft we grabbed dessert at Juergen’s German Bakery and Restaurant. As we walked in, all the desserts in the bakery case were screaming our name. We both decided on the Schwartzwälder Kirsch Torte. (Ok it is just fun to say it in German) In English it is better knowns as the Blackforest Cake. I could have eaten my weight in this delicious dessert. Top it off with some Kaffee and we were both in heaven. There was a couple next to us speaking in German. It was so cool. We picked out some cookies to go from the lady who owns the bakery. She also imports some food items from Germany. We ended up buying some mustard and current jelly too.

Then we headed to Easten to pick up a few things at Trader Joes for our New Year’s Eve snacking.

It was a fun day! Not only did we get out of the house and walk around, but we enjoyed some time together.

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