6th Adventure – #35 Take a Class

This class was for the dogs, really it was! I joined a Meet Up Group awhile ago called Central Ohio Photo Group. They offer photography classes and I have only taken advantage of it a few times. Tonight’s theme was How to Take Great Pet Pictures. Our doggie models are up for adoption at the Franklin County Dog Shelter.


I have to admit I was really intimidated when I looked over the pre-program slides, there was a lot of technical information. I was really nervous to go. The whole point is to learn and get better, right? After my Hubby and friends encouraged me, I took a deep breath and went. Bob, the leader, was really great about explaining the technical information. I felt better by the end of the evening. After the presentation we got to photograph the dogs. (It just sounds strange to say we shot the dogs). We had some adorable little models. I played around with two separate lenses. One was a telephoto. I was not happy with the sharpness of the image. The other was my new prime 40mm lens, which I love the sharpness, but I could not zoom in. Ugh. I was a bit frustrated. I guess if I want to keep taking photos of pets, then I need to put a new lens on my wish list. Or I have to learn how to use photo editing software. I also need to study my camera more. That is a resolution I make right now. That is why we go to classes; to learn.

All in all. I did end up with some photos I was happy with. I will admit there were far more that were blurry, as the dogs moved at the last second. Pet Photography is a lesson in quickness and patience. I did sign up to receive more information on being a volunteer photographer, so I am excited about that!

The last one, Hope, stole my heart. She is the one with the orange flower.  I wish I could have adopted her and snuck her into the house.

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