Here is to 2016



Definition of rut

  1. 1a :  a track worn by a wheel or by habitual passage b :  a groove in which something runs c :  channel, furrow

  2. 2:  a usual or fixed practice; especially :  a monotonous routine <fall easily into a conversational rut>


So the hubby and I have found ourselves in a big old RUT (yes, in all capital letters). We have settled into a routine. It is the same thing every day. We get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch TV, and then go to bed. It is like the movie Ground Hog Day EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. Then the weekend comes and we sit there are stare at each other and ask “What do you want to do?” “I don’t know what do you want to do?” I don’t know about you, but I hate those two questions. We go round and round. Then end up going to the mall. I hate the mall. The stores offer the same things every time we go. Besides, I am not in middle school any more.

So in 2016, it stops. Instead of making New Year’s Resolutions, I am making an adventure list. Things I want to see, do, eat, try this year. I have always wanted to do a blog, but have not had a plan. So I am going to combine the want of writing a blog with my love of photography! It is a win-win:) We also received an Entertainment Book for Christmas, and my goal is to try some new places and talk about them. I am aiming for 52 so there is something each week.

We live in Columbus, Ohio. We visit Northern Indiana and Northern Ohio frequently to see family, so I am trying to incorporate these into the adventure list as well.

Now for the list:

  1. Go to a concert of a big name group
  2. Go to the ballet
  3. Go to the symphony
  4. Go to a touring Broadway Show
  5. Go see a local band
  6. Go dancing
  7. Go canoeing
  8. Go to Miami University for a sporting event
  9. Go to a Clippers Game
  10. Go to a Columbus Crew Game
  11. Go explore a new city/town in Ohio
  12. Go explore a new city/town in Indiana
  13. Go hiking in a state park
  14. Go to a favorite festival
  15. Explore a new festival
  16. Explore a city/town where my ancestors lived (Fort Wayne, Toledo, and Columbus do not count)
  17. Explore a new area of Columbus
  18. Go see a play produced by a local theater
  19. Go to COSI After Dark
  20. Go somewhere I have not been since I was a child
  21. Have an adventure with my nieces and nephew
  22. Go to a favorite winery
  23. Find a new winery to try
  24. Reconnect with an old friend
  25. Visit a new to us museum in Toledo
  26. Visit a new to us museum in Fort Wayne
  27. Visit a new to us museum in Columbus
  28. Visit a new to us museum in a state that is not Ohio or Indiana
  29. Photograph a garden in Columbus
  30. Visit a garden/arboretum we have never been to
  31. Explore a new metro park
  32. Go to a Gallery Hop
  33. Go back in time (Visit a place where people are reenacting)
  34. Go to a dinner theater
  35. Take a class
  36. Take a stroll on the Scioto Mile
  37. Safari in the Heart of Africa at the Columbus Zoo
  38. Photograph a light house
  39. Photograph a covered bridge
  40. Stay in a B&B
  41. Take a week vacaction
  42. Visit a National Park
  43. Visit National Historic Park/Site
  44. Go to Malabar Farms
  45. Do a Volksmarch
  46. Do a 5k walk for charity
  47. Do something Christmas related
  48. Take a field trip to Cleveland
  49. Take a field trip to Dayton
  50. Visit a historic house
  51. Explore Lake Erie
  52. Go underground to a caverns

*Visit the Santa Maria was on the list, however I have discovered it is closed.